SJC Complaint Details - Multiple Members of a Family Should Complain
Multiple Members of a Family Should Complain
This information is based on multiple conversations with the SJC airplane noise department:
For each complaint submitted, San Jose airport increments the number of complaints, and increments the number of individuals based on name (not by individual household address).
Each month, this information is compiled.
So if you have multiple members in your household who are bothered by the SJC planes, then at least once per month, each of the bothered individuals in your household should fill in an SJC complaint with their own name.
Why should complaints be submitted for all family members, residents bothered by the noise?
San Jose airport recognizes each individual by the name submitted on the complaint - Not by individual household address.
So, for example, if you have 5 people in your household (i.e. husband, wife, tenant, grandma, kids), and out of these 5 people 4 happen to be bothered by the airplane noise. Then at least once per calendar month each of the 4 people bothered in the household should fill out an airplane complaint for San Jose airport with their name on the complaint form.
With 4 separate individuals complaining, not only will the number of complaints increment, but the monthly number of individuals complaining will increment.
This is important, because SJC looks at both numbers (total number of complaints & total number of individuals). If other members of your family are impacted by the airplane noise, then they should be noted as individuals and counted by SJC as unique individuals.
One other thing, you can go back historically to log in a complaint with SJC. So for example, if you noted loud planes last Friday(Nov 18), but you forgot to submit the complaint. You can submit the complaint many days later to SJC. Just be certain to put the correct date and approx time of the noise event.
NOTE: The information above pertains to SJC (San Jose airport) complaints