Residents Presented to Sunnyvale Democratic Club
On Jan. 21, 2016, we were invited to the SunnyvaleDemocratic Club monthly meeting to present our findings about increasing airplane noise issues in Sunnyvale. A couple members from our group attended the meeting and made a brief presentation to about 30 people there. The presentation was very well received. We discussed current airplane noise sources and possibly alleviation methods.
Some people living in north Sunnyvale shared their sufferings from the airplane noises as well and showed support to our movement. Some people mentioned there are also private jets landing at Moffet airport, which adds to the airplane issue to our area.
During the presentations, questions were asked, especially on what we expect and how we want to solve the problem?
We are very clear about our expectations:
We want to raise more community awareness and urge FAA to seek a regional solution for airplane noise issues instead of shifting the problem from one community to another.
Congress District 17 representative and Sunnyvale representative need to be present in any ongoing and future FAA discussion and SFO roundtable discussion. (Currently Congress district 17 and Sunnyvale were excluded from the above discussions.)